My Rant and Rave
Working Middle-Class
Hey there how are you. I am Jay and I
am your average everyday working man. I am quite sure that when you
read this article you will relate to everything that is written; If
not everything I say at least 85% to 95% of the article you can
relate to. So lets get to it,
My Rant and Rave is about the everyday
working Middle-Class citizen that is barely making ends meet. Let me
first start off to say that I am not being prejudice or bias about
what I am writing I am just stating the truth and facts.
I am ranting and raving at the fact
that us Middle-Class citizens work hard and pay our taxes and are
left with nothing at the end. Living paycheck to paycheck and this is
no lie. Do you live paycheck to paycheck? I bet you do. If you don't
you are one of the fortunate few that never has to worry about money.
That means you are not Middle-Class huh? .. lol.
So this leads me to say that we being
considered a Middle-Class Citizen (which we are NOT) get screwed in
every way possible. Now lets be real WE are considered Middle-Class
class and should be able to afford most things because we are
fortunate to HAVE A JOB. This is total BS... why? I am glad you
asked. Due to the fact that we don't QUALIFY for Government
Assistance and other programs. That is why.
I go to see If I can get SNAP( Food
Stamps) or THE BLACK CARD as most recipients who receive these
Benefits call it. Low and behold I make 150.00 dollars more then
allowed for a single individual. Was I shocked that I don't qualify
for a benefit that the governments boasts about. No I wasn't I did it
to prove a point. We are not Middle-Class we are not even Low-Class.
I call us the FUCK-CLASS. Why? I really am glad you asked. We get
Fucked every chance they get.
The benefits that other individuals
receive is being paid by the Middle-Class aka Fuck-CLASS through
taxes and we can't even get a hand out or hand-up. I am tired and
pissed that out government lets the Low-Class, Rich, Wealthy and
Super Wealthy get all the great tax benefits and so forth and us the
Fuck-CLASS gets pennies if that. I work to damn hard for others to be
living off of me and you work to damn hard as well. I was not going
to type up this article But I for sure am pissed and speaking loudly
and boldly through this article. I am tired of being broke, living
pay-check to pay-check, and can't even get an affordable apartment,
can't get food stamps or other benefits.
Here is a great example of what I mean:
Lets say you have a 22 y/o female with
two kids and one on the way. She receives SNAP, Cash Assistance, one
of her children has a delay and she receives SSI or SSD (whatever you
call it) and also let me not forget to add she never worked a day in
her life. She gets rent assistance and lives in a nice building
complex where she pays damn near nothing for rent and she lives
better then us FUCK-CLASS citizens. Wears expensive things has her
home decked out and so forth... Must I keep going... But all the
while she never worked a day in her life and she gets all the help in
the world.
Can you see where I am going? Now don't
get me wrong she is just a mother who needs help but look at the
condition of her situation she keeps having children because she
knows the government is going to assist her But us Middle-Class
citizens can't even get help with obtaining food or help with paying
back rent or don't make enough to live in Affordable housing. What in
the hell man?
I am not prejudice, racist, bias or any
other negative word you can think of. I am just stating the truth and
I am pissed and I am tired of Working
to PAY BILLS and SUPPORT INDIVIDUALS who do nothing all day with
there lives. I wonder what would happen if the government just
decides to cut individuals off like my example female. What would they
do then?
I know most people will say to there
selves this guy is crazy and lost it. No I am pissed and tired of
people abusing the system and us "Middle-Class" citizens get treated
like shit. It is wrong and something has to be done about it.
So I am taking a PLAN of Action. If you
can't beat them join them. Start a business, donate to charity and
save your receipts and use the business to write off some things so
you can get more money back when you do your taxes... So many ways to
join them and get some type of break.
I am glad you took the time to read my
RANT and RAVE Article. If you have a solution of questions please
feel free to email me at
If you have a topic you want to RANT and RAVE about but don't want to
type it and put it up I have no problem helping you out just email
Please Feel Free to comment, share, and post.
Thank You
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